Review and Comparison of Predictive Maintenance AI Tools for Automotive Services

Review and Comparison of Predictive Maintenance AI Tools for Automotive Services

Introduction In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, the integration of AI tools has become increasingly essential for optimizing operations and staying competitive. In the automotive services industry, predictive maintenance AI tools offer the promise of reducing downtime, cutting costs, and enhancing customer satisfaction. This article aims to provide a comprehensive review and comparison of popular…

FusionAuth 1.30 Released: JWT Vending Machine, Threat Detection Feature, and more

FusionAuth 1.30 Released: JWT Vending Machine, Threat Detection Feature, and more

FusionAuth has released version 1.30.0 of FusionAuth. This version shipped on August 12, 2021. 1.30.0 includes a robust Advanced Threat Detection feature, adds 38 webhook events, resolves issues for FusionAuth community members, and more! This release contained a number of features, enhancements, and bug fixes. Please see the release notes for a full breakdown of the changes…

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